
To President Xi Jinping—A Letter from A Political Prisoner

This letter was written during the Mid-Autumn Festival in September 2018, when I was detained in a secret base under the Shanghai Supervisory Committee. They tried to soften me up and force me to compromise. I then wrote this letter to Dr. Xi Jinping. Obviously, this letter would not reach Dr. Xi's desk, but fortunately, a security official with a clear conscience passed it on to my family in private. Thus it could be possible to be made public. I decided to make it public as I am very aware that every dictator is stereotyped to be so arrogant as to respond to the dissidents of the people.  To President Xi Jinping                                                            —A Letter from A Political Prisoner Your Almighty, I am a patriotic democrat outside the party, a citizen of the People's Republic of China,...


此信写于2018年9月中秋节,我被关押在上海市监察委下属某秘密基地。他们试图软化我,逼迫我妥协。我遂写下此信给习近平先生。显然此信不会被送达习博士案桌,所幸有个良知未泯的安全部门官员,私底下将此信转交我家人,今日遂得以公之于众。 致国家主席习近平博士 ——新时代政治犯的狱中来信 尊敬的习博士: 我是壹名党外爱国民主人士,是中华人民共和国的公民,是人民群众的壹员,也是在囚政治犯。敢自称爱国,乃因多年来倾心倾力于民间公义,如通过合法途径为遭受公权力腐败迫害的农村妇女提供志愿服务,为金融诈骗案受害者群体提供法律援助等,也参与筹划军民融合相关项目帮助国家缓解退伍老兵难题。 因而,对于基层公权力滥用及侵害人民群众利益的乱象,相信是与习博士有深刻共鸣的。习博士在十九大报告的第二部分关于“新时代中国共产党的历史使命”中,深刻地认识到了“全党要勇于直面问题,敢于刮骨疗毒,消除一切损害党的先进性和纯洁性的因素,清除一切侵蚀党的健康肌体的病毒”。我是壹名公民,感佩习博士的坦诚,也深恶痛绝基层官员的恣意、无耻行径,愿为国家与社会的和谐发展做一只啄木鸟,主动监督公权力运行。 2016年山东省曾爆发问题疫苗事件,今年六月、七月初,中国大地假疫苗事件再次在全国以更大规模蔓延开来,将中国千千万万儿童陷于严重的健康风险之中。八年前的三聚氰胺毒奶粉事件也是草草收场......加之对这次修宪心存不满,遂拍案而起,发起了“厕所革命”涂鸦运动,期待呼吁社会特别关注此等祸国殃民的民族危机。当前我们的国家一切以“维稳”为纲,严重压缩公共舆论空间,施行媒体管制,封锁互联网,因而也唯有公共厕所的方寸之地可作为民间人士表达社会诉求的传统“社交平台”。 我给习博士写信,主要陈述三点主张: 厕所涂鸦违法,但不构成犯罪 公权力失范,抗争合理 新时代公民应勇做国家与社会的啄木鸟。 厕所涂鸦违法,但不构成犯罪 虽然我对政治仅有粗浅的认知,但基于公民良知和使命,在上海市几家医院与商业广场进行了厕所涂鸦,给医院及物业管理公司带来了一定的财产损失,按每块涂鸦清洁费50元人民币计算,估计造成近1000元损失。因而按《治安管理条例》,应对我处以治安处罚,并承担相应损失。 公安机关经过内部讨论,未对我以刑法第105条“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”进行提告,改以“寻衅滋事罪”建议提告。对此我对当局趋向开明于进步表示欣慰和感谢。但因我涂鸦中的文字含...



Citizenship of Society and Woodpeckers of Forests——My Statement of Self-Defense 2018

Paul (Saul) was on his way to Damascus when he was illuminated by a great light from heaven on all sides and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" He asked two questions of the Holy Spirit: "Who are you, O Lord?" And after that asked, "Lord, what shall I do?" (Acts 22:10) In 2011, I unwittingly caused an elderly man to prison, and in remorse, I joined the progressive cause of China. And in 2018, I was tried and sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in jail. The following is my self-defense statement in court. Your Honor, Please allow me to begin my statement with a fable. It is said that deep in the blue sea, there is a vast and endless continent. The land is covered with lush forests, birds, and animals of every kind inhabiting each forest, gradually forming their own independent biological society. Some woods are ruled by orangutans, while the central forest, which we will call China, has been led by dozens of tigers for a long ...